How can I start an affiliate event?
Register your event by emailing Gary Chiste at gchiste@elsforautismcanada.com. Affiliate Events are not limited to golf, and there are many fundraising ideas for you to consider listed on e4agolf.com. For example - Golf Days (give back day, auction, ladies day, member day, skins games, donation basket, hole contest, fun on-course hole competitions, etc.) • Run • Car Race • Tennis Tournament • 100 Hole Hike • Bike Race • Bowling • Dinner/Gala • Concert • Crowdfunding • Shopping Give Back • Raffle • Auction • Your Choice – Create Your Own
Once you complete the Affiliate Event registration an Els for Autism Canada Foundation Golf Challenge staff member will contact you within five business days and provide an update on your qualification status. Please note, your event and date cannot conflict with any of the scheduled 2019 Golf Challenge Regional Events in the U.S. or Canada. These events and dates are all listed on the e4agolf.com website.
All Affiliate Events who raise $18,000CAD or more qualify to attend the 2022 Grand Finale at The Grand Hyatt Baha Mar in Nassau, Bahamas, on October 3-5, 2022. Affiliate Events raising $30,000 join the VIP Golden Circle Club, which includes an extra night of hotel accommodation and an exclusive VIP Reception with Ernie and Liezl Els at the Grand Finale.
Make your Affiliate Event about doing something you, family, friends, and colleagues enjoy doing.
How to run a successful affiliate event
We recommend collecting donations by asking your guests to make cheques payable to ‘Els for Autism Canada’ and note your Affiliate Event name in the memo line. The guests will receive a donation receipt from the Foundation for their contribution.
Affiliate Events are responsible for collecting and managing payment and registration for their events. We recommend collecting registration and/or event tickets by using this method:
You collect all the funds (payable to you) and then write one personal check to ‘Els for Autism Canada’ and mail the cheque to the Foundation. Please note that event attendees will not be able to receive donation receipts for registration of events using this method.
Tell everyone about your event/fundraiser. The more people that know, the quicker you’ll reach your fundraising goal!
Els for Autism Canada will provide the following:
Affiliate Event marketing package, with print ready deliverables
Els for Autism ribbon pins for all guests attending
An auction item package, including an Ernie Els autographed photo, head cover, shirt and hat
Els for Autism Canada will share a social media post on your Affiliate Event
Support from the Els for Autism Canada Foundation Golf Challenge team via phone calls
Kindly note, the Foundation will not be able to cover start-up costs, so hosts should ensure that they can recoup costs through ticket sales or registration fees
Rumble in Leduc Pro-Am: Leduc Golf Club $7,154.20
Rumble in Leduc Pro-Am: Leduc Golf Club $551.50